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Download Doraemon V2 Premium Modern Blogger Template for Free

Download Doraemon V2 Modern Blogger Template

The Doraemon V2 model is a blogspot template designed with the primary colors of blue and white, resembling the appearance of the popular cartoon character, Doraemon. This version, Doraemon V2, is an upgrade of the previous Doraemon V1 model, and it includes numerous changes and improvements to enhance its flexibility.

Key Features Template Doraemon V2:

1. Responsive: The template is designed to adapt and display correctly on various devices, such as desktop computers, tablets, and mobile phones.

2. Mobile Friendly: It ensures optimal user experience and readability on mobile devices.

3. Fast Load: The template is optimized for quick loading times, improving user satisfaction and SEO performance.

4. Lazyload Image: Images on the page are loaded only when they come into view, reducing initial loading times.

5. Dark Mode: The template offers a dark mode option for users who prefer a darker color scheme.

6. Search Box: A search feature is integrated into the template, allowing users to search for specific content.

7. Hidden Header on Scroll: The header will be concealed when users scroll down the page to provide more screen space for content.

8. He Design with Header Title: The top section of the page features a prominent design with a header title.

9. Horizontal Navigation Menu (Desktop View): The navigation menu is displayed horizontally in desktop view for easy access to different sections of the blog.

10. Vertical Navigation (Mobile View): The navigation menu switches to a vertical layout in mobile view to accommodate smaller screens.

11. Topik Blog Popup (Label Widget): A label widget is included to allow users to explore posts by specific topics or labels.

12. Post Highlight: Certain posts are highlighted to draw attention to important or featured content.

13. Popular Posts Widget: A widget displaying popular posts helps users discover trending content.

14. Label Widget: A widget for displaying labels and organizing content based on categories.

15. Content Grid Mode and List: The template supports both grid and list layouts for presenting blog content.

16. Load More Infinity Content: Users can load more content continuously without navigating to new pages.

17. Return to the Top Button: A button is provided to quickly scroll back to the top of the page.

18. Sorotan Inside Post: Important points or highlights are emphasized within individual blog posts.

19. Panoramic Bread: A breadcrumb trail helps users understand their current location within the blog's structure.

20. Social Media Share Buttons: Built-in buttons enable easy sharing of content on various social media platforms.

21. Read Also / Baca Play on the Article: Recommendations for related articles are provided to encourage further reading.

22. Profile Card Under the Article: Information about the author or the blog owner is displayed below each article.

23. Related Publications / Postingan Terkait with Miniature: Similar posts are suggested along with thumbnails for visual reference.

24. Page Foot Menu: A menu is placed in the footer section for easy access to different blog pages.

25. Error Page (404): A custom error page is included to inform users when a page is not found.

26. SEO Quality (Oke): The template is optimized for search engines, ensuring better visibility and ranking.

27. Pagespeed Quality (Oke): Efforts have been made to improve the template's loading speed for better user experience and search engine ranking.

Please note that this free template is only for the sub domain, for example: If you use something other than this subdomain, you will be asked to enter a license. For the license, you can get it through the Member Fam website.

Template Details

Name Doraemon V2
Version 2.0
File zip, txt, xml
File Password show
Layout Responsive
Design by Gilatemax
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