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Download Clone ELCA Premium Blogger Template for Free

Download Clone ELCA Premium Blogger Template for Free

TThe ELCA Clone Template is a replicated version of the EL Innovative Academy Template, specifically designed for Blogspot. I have undertaken extensive modifications across various sections of the original template. While the ELCA Clone Template doesn't possess the exact functionalities as the original template, it closely adheres to the UI design, resulting in a similar visual experience.

Notable Features ELCA Blogger Template:

1. Responsive: The template is designed to dynamically adjust its layout to ensure optimal display on a variety of devices, ranging from desktops to mobile phones.

2. Mobile-Friendly: Prioritizing user experience on mobile devices, the template guarantees smooth navigation and readability.

3. Fast Loading: Emphasizing quick loading times, the template aims to enhance user engagement and improve search engine rankings.

4. Simplistic UI Design: The user interface is intentionally kept minimalistic, clean, and uncomplicated, fostering an intuitive browsing experience.

5. Dark Mode: A user-selectable dark mode is incorporated, catering to personal preference and enhancing readability in low-light environments.

6. Featured Post: Important or highlighted posts are showcased distinctively to draw immediate attention.

7. Back to Top Button: Users can effortlessly navigate back to the top of the page with a dedicated button.

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8. Popular Post Widget: A widget highlights the most popular posts, facilitating the discovery of trending content.

9. Parallax Advertisements: Parallax scrolling effect is applied to advertisements, adding visual depth and engagement.

10. Label Widget: This widget categorizes and organizes posts based on labels or topics for streamlined content exploration.

11. Breadcrumbs: A breadcrumb trail aids users in understanding their current location within the blog's hierarchy.

12. Baca Juga (Read Also): Related articles are suggested to readers, encouraging them to explore further content.

13. Related Posts With Thumbnail: Similar posts are presented alongside thumbnails, enhancing visual appeal and ease of selection.

14. Tags Label In Bottom Article: Tags associated with an article are displayed at the bottom, enabling readers to explore similar topics.

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15. Author Box With Social Media: An author's profile, along with social media links, is featured at the bottom of each article.

16. Search Box: A search feature empowers users to quickly locate specific content of interest.

17. Social Media Share Button (Pop Up): Sharing articles on social media is facilitated through a pop-up share button located conveniently.

18. Subscribe Box Widget: Users can easily subscribe to updates via a dedicated subscription widget.

19. Lazyload Image Inclusion: Images are loaded as users scroll, optimizing initial loading times and overall page performance.

20. Load More Unlimited Button Articles: Readers can seamlessly load more articles without interruption.

21. Progress Bar Indicator: A progress bar at the top of the page indicates the current reading progress.

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22. Utilities Menu: Essential utility pages such as About, Contact, Disclaimer, and Terms and Conditions are easily accessible.

23. Google Validator Compatibility: The template adheres to Google's validation standards, ensuring compatibility and optimal performance.

24. SEO Optimization: The template is fine-tuned for search engines, enhancing visibility and search rankings.

25. 404 Error Page: A custom error page is provided for instances when a page cannot be found.

26. And More: Additional features and enhancements contribute to an enriched user experience and comprehensive functionality.

Please note that this free template is only for the sub domain, for example: If you use something other than this subdomain, you will be asked to enter a license. For the license, you can get it through the Member Fam website.

Template Details

Name Clone ELCA
Version 1.0
File zip, txt, xml
File Password show
Layout Responsive
Design by Gilatemax
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