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Download Report9 Premium Blogger Template [NO LICENCE]

Report9 is a Blogger template that closely resembles the popular news website The template boasts a clean and fresh color scheme, providing a visually appealing user interface.

Notably, Report9 excels in loading speed, ensuring a seamless user experience, and almost perfect SEO performance, with a rating of nearly 100%. These qualities make it a top choice for bloggers seeking an efficient and optimized platform.

Key Features of Report9 - Blogger Template Similar to Liputan6:

1. Perfectly Structured Data: The template ensures that data is organized and structured in a precise manner, enhancing readability and search engine visibility.

2. Mobile-Friendly Design: With a responsive layout, Report9 adapts flawlessly to various screen sizes, ensuring an excellent user experience on mobile devices.

3. Performance: With an outstanding performance rating of 96%, the template ensures quick loading times and smooth navigation for users.

4. SEO Optimized: Report9 excels in search engine optimization, boasting an impressive 99% SEO score. This makes it easier for search engines to discover and rank content from the blog.

5. Responsive Design: The template's design dynamically adjusts to different devices and screen resolutions, providing a consistent and user-friendly interface.

6. Special Page for Popular News: Report9 includes a dedicated page for highlighting popular news articles, allowing readers to easily access trending and significant stories.

7. Google AdSense Ready: The template comes pre-optimized for Google AdSense integration, making it convenient for bloggers to monetize their content through advertisements.

8. Sticky Navbar & Sidebar: The navigation bar and sidebar remain fixed as users scroll through the content, ensuring easy access to important sections and information.

9. Theme-color Status Bar (mobile): On mobile devices, Report9 features a theme-color status bar, providing a cohesive look and feel to the user interface.

10. Auto Resize Thumbnail Image: Images in the blog posts are automatically resized to fit the layout, maintaining visual consistency and loading efficiency.

11. Facebook Comments: Report9 supports Facebook comments, allowing readers to engage in discussions and share their thoughts on articles.

12. Social Media Icons in Footer: The template includes social media icons in the footer, enabling bloggers to promote their social profiles and increase their online presence.

13. Compatibility: Report9 is compatible with various browsers, including IE8+, Mozilla, Chrome, and Safari, ensuring broad accessibility for users.

14. All Completely Automatic: The template is designed to automate various processes, reducing manual intervention and making the blogging experience more streamlined.

In conclusion, Report9 is a feature-rich and visually appealing Blogger template that closely resembles the design and functionality of the famous news site Its exceptional loading speed, SEO optimization, and mobile-friendly layout make it a top choice for bloggers seeking an efficient and user-friendly platform to showcase their content.

Please note that this free template is only for the sub domain, for example: If you use something other than this subdomain, you will be asked to enter a license. For the license, you can get it through the Member Fam website.

Template Details

Name Report9
Version latest
File zip, txt, xml
File Password fahmicog
Layout Responsive, Magazine
Design by XMLThemes
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